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Night Dental Plate (Splint)

Night Dental Plate (Splint)

Discomfort in the jaw joint may occur as a result of habits such as teeth clenching and grinding, which usually develop due to stress. The act of clenching our teeth, which we do without realizing it in November, can cause a change in the structure of the jaw joint and tire the chewing muscles. Joint problems cause pain that can radiate to the temple, ear, front of the ear, sides of the head, neck and back. Restriction of mouth opening may lead to reasons such as noise coming from the joints during chewing or clogging of the jaw.

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Although dental plaques, which have a sensitive structure, are taken orally during feeding, they are contaminated with bacteria, oil deposits and other harmful substances formed by food residues due to direct contact of protective plaques with the mouth. This causes the plate used to deform in a short time.