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Sinus Raising

Sinus Raising

In the upper jaw, above our back teeth, there are spaces we call maxillary sinuses. After the upper back teeth are extracted, the bones in this area melt.

A bone height of at least 8-10 mm is required for the treatment we will perform with the implant. Due to bone resorption, the maxillary sinus cavity sags downwards and we cannot find the amount of bone required to place the implant. In such cases, the operation is performed under local anesthesia and the sinus cavity is pushed upwards, bone powder is strengthened in this area, then the implant is placed.

What Should Be Considered After Sinus Lift Surgery?

It is very important to pay attention to hygiene after sinus lift surgery. Antibiotic use, medication use, and ice use should be done as recommended by your doctor. The pressure applied through the nose after surgery will also affect the sinuses. This pressure may compromise the operation. For up to 10 days, it is important that the patient moves in a way that does not create pressure in the nose when sneezing or blowing the nose.